What is employee qualification

Last updated: 2024-02-15

Employee qualification is the level of skills, experience, knowledge, and other qualification of a particular employee. In other words, a qualification is what an employee must know or be able to do.

Where and how the employee qualification is defined

  • The requirements for the employee's qualifications are set in the job position description, and
  • The employee who works on the job position must meet these requirements.
  • If they do not meet them, they cannot work in the given job position or must develop the required qualifications and the given level of skills.
  • The difference between the qualification requirements and the qualifying employee is called the skills gap

You keep the employee's qualification level on the employee's record.

employee qualification

Examples of employee qualifications

  • Driver's license 
  • 6 years of experience in accounting
  • Welding operator certification
  • Crane operator certification
  • IPMA certificate