Property Access Control

Last updated: 2024-05-02

Managing access to company rooms and other physical premises

Controlling access to rooms and other company premises involves managing and regulating entry to buildings, their various sections, individual rooms, and other designated areas. This process ensures that only authorized individuals can enter specific spaces. Here are the key components of access control for physical spaces:

Physical company infrastructure

  • Access control relies on physical elements such as doors, entrance gates, locks, and other barriers.
  • These components physically restrict or allow entry based on authorization.
  • For example, a locked door prevents unauthorized access to a secure room.

Most common property access control methods

Organizations use various methods to control people’s access, the most common types of property access control systems are:

  • Keys, physical locks and key access systems: Traditional keys grant access to specific doors or areas. The company must manage key distribution and ensure that only authorized personnel possess them.
  • Keypad access systems: Simple to use and usually cost-effective, they require users to enter the right PIN code on a keypad to gain entry. Simple solution with low-security option.
  • Access Cards: Access cards (often RFID cards) provide secure entry. Each card is associated with specific permissions.
  • Access Tokens: Similar to cards, access tokens (e.g., electronic fobs) grant entry based on predefined rules.
  • Biometric Methods: Biometrics (such as fingerprint or retina scans) offer high-security access control, biometric systems provide a high level of security but often are more expensive to implement.
  • Other Authentication Methods: Some companies use PIN codes, smart devices, or mobile apps for access.

Authorization is based on Job 

  • Access rights vary based on an individual’s role within the organization.
  • Job determines which areas an employee can access.
  • For instance, an executive may have access to sensitive boardrooms, while a maintenance worker may only access utility rooms.

In summary, effective access control ensures that the right people can enter specific spaces while maintaining security. By managing keys, cards, tokens, and other authentication methods, companies can safeguard their physical assets and protect sensitive areas.

Property Access Control

Managing Employee Access and Permissions with Aptien

Aptien provides a comprehensive solution for managing employee access to physical spaces, ensuring security and efficiency. Here are the key features:

Key Issuance during Employee Onboarding

  • When new employees join your organization, Aptien facilitates the issuance of keys, access cards, or other permissions they need for their roles.
  • This streamlined process ensures that employees have the necessary access to relevant areas within your premises.

Access Control for Job Changes and Departures

  • As job roles evolve or employees leave the company, Aptien helps manage access changes.
  • When an employee’s job classification changes, you can easily update their access rights or revoke permissions.
  • Similarly, when an employee leaves, you can promptly remove their access cards or keys, maintaining security protocols.

Unified Overview of Employee Access

  • Replace cumbersome Excel sheets with Aptien’s user-friendly software.
  • Gain a clear overview of which employees have access to specific areas.
  • Orchestrate access control seamlessly, ensuring that permissions align with your security policies.

Notifications and Alerts

  • Any modifications made to employee records, access, or permissions trigger notifications.
  • Stay informed about changes and maintain an organized approach to access management.

Audit Trail and History

  • Aptien keeps a robust history of all access and permissions for each employee.
  • This audit trail ensures transparency and accountability.

Used Across Industries

  • Aptien’s solution is trusted by teams in various sectors.
  • Whether you manage a small office or a large facility, Aptien adapts to your needs.
  • Remember, with Aptien, you can replace manual processes, reduce administrative burden, and enhance security