Employee Requests Management

Last updated: 2024-04-16

Daily requirements and requests of employees

There are many approvals for various work requests and requirements from employees across a company on a daily basis. 

Processing and monitoring them requires a lot of effort, especially when they come at you from many channels: e-mails, financial systems, workflow systems, meetings, instant messages or from personal discussions. Getting the requirements under control is one of the critical moments of growing companies and teams. As the number of people grow, so does the number of demands. What was sustainable with ten people is no longer sustainable in twenty. At a certain point, the company gets into a situation where it is impossible to manage the requirements without some kind of system.

all employee requests

The most frequent requests and requirements of employees

The requirements are directed at superiors or at other back office departments in the company that takes care of the work environment, equipment, and the like. It is most often the HR department, the IT department, the office management, or facility manager who is responsible for the work environment. Very often, these are various reports related to workplace safety and various work incidents. The most common requests include:

  • Employee request for reimbursement of expenses (to Finance department)
  • Request for vacation or other leave (to HR)
  • Training Request (to HR)
  • Purchase request
  • Service request
  • Request for work equipment (Office management)
  • Password change (IT department)
  • Reinstalling or installing software (IT department)
  • Change of authorizations and accesses to app, systems (for IT)
  • Access to personnel folder (to HR)
  • Requesting documents for authorization (HR department)
  • Report of an occupational accident (to OHS department)
  • Reporting a security incident
  • Reporting property damage
  • Near miss reporting

Both formal and informal requirements

Some of the requirements require formal reporting (for example, a work-related injury), and some require a less formal way of requesting. It is always up to the organization to choose a method that will be convenient for employees and at the same time will not overwhelm managers with communication or cause requests to fall aside.

In a number of cases, the company as an employer needs to monitor all requests the employee has made during his time at the company.

How to solve the submission of employee requests

In practice, employees submit their requests in a variety of ways. As a rule, small and medium-sized companies do not have any system, so applications are most often submitted in the form of emails or personally in the form of a message from an employee to a superior. Most often, employee requests are processed:

  • requests sent by email
  • oral communication
  • piece of paper
  • helpdesk
  • form on the intranet

Request portal, a single point of requests & helpdesk for employees

With Aptien, you can solve the simple application process using the employee portal. Employees have a requests & notices page where they can enter their requests and reports. These are, for example, vacation requests, training requests, requests for new work equipment. A request approval workflow in the company is set for each request.

Single point of contact for employees

  • Employee helpdesk as a single point of contact for all requests and incident reports

Simple approval workflow

  • An approval workflow is set for each employee request

Forms can be easily customized

  • Each company can create its own requests in Aptien according to its needs.
  • The Aptien workflow is simple and designed to be sustainable and easy to set up and customize, you can customize to fit your business.
  • You can easily set up an approval workflow for each request or report, see how.
employee helpdesk for requests and incidents