Asset maintenance planning

Last updated: 2024-04-25

This article is intended for asset managers, facility managers, and people responsible for maintenance and/or operational safety.

What is asset maintenance planning

Regular asset maintenance is a necessity in many industries. It is enforced by legislation, mandated by the manufacturer, and helps prevent failures and downtime caused by breakdowns. Aptien makes asset maintenance planning easier by helping you plan and confirm all maintenance activities. 

  • Allows you to set up and monitor maintenance schedules for different types and kinds of assets 
  • allows you to confirm the execution of maintenance activities

Setting up a maintenance plan for any kind of asset  

You can set up a maintenance plan individually for different types of assets using Activity plans. When you create your maintenance plan, you set up individual maintenance activities in one of three options:

  • maintenance activities common to all assets in the records  
  • maintenance activities for specific type of asset (e.g. gas boilers, electrical equipment)
  • an individual maintenance plan for a specific piece of property only

When setting up activity plans, you also select whether the activity is a one-time activity or whether it is a periodic maintenance activity, for which the system automatically monitors the recurrence and alerts you when the maintenance operation is due for completion.

  • one-time maintenance activities
  • periodic, recurring maintenance activities
planned equipment maintenance

A clear annual maintenance plan

The annual maintenance activity calendar helps you to plan, giving you an overview of what maintenance activities are coming up so you can, for example, better plan for ordering them. The overview shows all maintenance activities over the next 12 months. You can export the overview to an excel spreadsheet and work with it further.

Annual asset maintenance plan

Confirming the completion of maintenance activities